Best Elliptical Machine in 2024

Transform your fitness journey with the best elliptical machine. Say goodbye to monotony and hello to effective, low-impact workouts with our carefully curated selection. Through extensive research and testing, we’ve identified top-rated elliptical machines renowned for their durability, versatility, and ergonomic design. Whether you’re aiming to improve cardiovascular health, burn calories, or tone muscles, these machines offer a comprehensive workout experience suitable for all fitness levels. With features like adjustable resistance levels, customizable workout programs, and advanced monitoring technology, our recommended elliptical machines provide the perfect platform to achieve your fitness goals from the comfort of your home. Elevate your exercise routine and take strides towards a healthier, fitter you with the best elliptical machine as your workout companion.

Schwinn Fitness Elliptical Machine

Elevate your home fitness routine with the Schwinn Fitness Elliptical Machine. Crafted from durable alloy steel in sleek black, it seamlessly blends into any space. At 28.2 inches in depth, 63.2 inches in width, and 70.1 inches in height, it offers a compact yet robust addition to your workout space.

With enhanced Bluetooth connectivity, seamlessly sync your progress with popular fitness apps like Explore the World and MyFitnessPal. Engage in over 200 virtual courses, adjusting the 10-degree motorized ramp for varied intensity. With 25 levels of resistance and 29 workout programs displayed on the DualTrack blue-backlit LCD system, every session promises versatility and challenge. Experience natural running motion with the 20-inch stride and Precision Path foot motion technology. Take your fitness journey to new heights with the Schwinn Fitness Elliptical Machine.


  • Versatile workouts with adjustable incline.
  • 25 resistance levels for varied intensity.
  • Bluetooth connectivity for tracking progress.
  • Access to 200+ virtual courses.
  • Dual-track display with 29 programs.
  • Natural running motion with 20″ stride.


  • Temporarily out of stock.
  • Higher price for advanced features.

Bowflex Max Trainer Series

Elevate your home workout with the Bowflex Max Trainer Series. This sleek, black machine seamlessly combines the smooth, low-impact motion of an elliptical with the calorie-burning intensity of a stepper. With adjustable resistance levels, you can tailor each session to your fitness level, challenging yourself with up to 8 levels of intensity. The interactive LCD display offers 2 workout programs and a unique burn rate display, allowing you to track your progress and set activity targets.

Designed to maximize efficiency, the Bowflex Max Trainer Series features a compact footprint, saving valuable space in your home gym. Whether you’re aiming for a quick 14-minute Max Interval challenge or prefer to customize your workout in Manual Mode, this machine offers versatility to suit your fitness goals. Plus, with an included heart rate monitor chest strap, you can ensure you’re staying in the optimal zone for maximum results. Elevate your fitness routine with the Bowflex Max Trainer Series and experience a new level of intensity and efficiency in your workouts.


  • Innovative fusion of elliptical and stepper.
  • Adjustable resistance for personalized workouts.
  • Real-time calorie-burning feedback.
  • Space-saving design fits small areas.
  • A heart rate monitor is included for safety.
  • Efficient 14-minute Max Interval workout.


  • Limited variety with two programs.

Sunny Health & Fitness Elliptical Exercise Machine

Revamp your fitness routine with the Sunny Health & Fitness Elliptical Exercise Machine. Crafted from sturdy alloy steel in a stylish gray hue, this elliptical is built to last and can support up to 330 pounds. With dimensions of 55 inches in diameter, 23 inches in width, and 64.5 inches in height, it seamlessly fits into your home gym setup.

Experience smooth, challenging strides thanks to the programmable magnetic resistance and belt-drive mechanism. With 24 workout modes, including manual, pre-programmed, and customizable options, you’ll never get bored. Monitor your progress effortlessly on the backlit display, which tracks speed, time, distance, calories burned, RPM, wattages, and magnetic resistance levels. Plus, keep your devices close at hand with the built-in holder. Step up your fitness game with this powerful elliptical machine.


  • Device holder for media during workouts.
  • Programmable magnetic resistance for variable intensity.
  • High weight capacity and stabilizers.
  • Informative backlit display for tracking progress.
  • 24 diverse workout modes are available.
  • Brand with a history of reliability.


  • None

Niceday Elliptical Machine

Elevate your home workout with the Niceday Elliptical Machine in vibrant orange. Crafted from durable alloy steel, its compact design measures 48 inches in depth, 25 inches in width, and 62 inches in height. With 90% pre-assembly, set-up is a breeze, taking just 30 minutes, making it perfect for all fitness enthusiasts.

Experience unparalleled quietness with the hyper-quiet magnetic drive system, ensuring a noise-free workout environment. Boasting a 16-pound flywheel and 16 resistance levels, this elliptical caters to beginners and fanatics alike. Accommodating users from 4 feet 9 inches to 6 feet 2 inches, its sturdy frame supports up to 400 pounds, promising long-term use. Enjoy intelligent fitness with Kinomap integration, which provides thousands of engaging workout videos. Plus, with a lifelong service promise and 24-hour online support, the Niceday Elliptical Machine is the ultimate home fitness companion.


  • Highly rated with 4.5 stars.
  • Hyper-quiet magnetic drive system.
  • 16 resistance levels for versatility.
  • 400-pound weight capacity for durability.
  • Digital monitor for precise tracking.
  • Lifelong service commitment from Niceday.


  • None

SOLE Fitness Elliptical Machine

Elevate your home gym with the sleek SOLE Fitness Elliptical Machine in stylish black. With dimensions of 70 inches in length, 31 inches in width, and 71 inches in height, this aluminum-crafted marvel seamlessly fits into any space. Experience stability and minimal pedal motion with four rear wheels on sturdy rails, while 20 incline levels and a 25-pound flywheel offer customizable resistance. Integrated with the SOLE+ app, access a plethora of guided workouts to stay motivated and reach your fitness goals.

Featuring a 10.1-inch touchscreen display, enjoy WiFi connectivity, screen mirroring, and 10 pre-programmed workouts. Monitor your heart rate with pulse sensors on the handlebars and enjoy added comforts like a cooling fan, water bottle holder, and wireless charging. With angled foot pedals to alleviate stress on joints and the ability to pedal in reverse, you can redefine your elliptical exercise experience effortlessly. Don’t miss out on the ultimate in-home fitness solution.


  • Versatile models to suit preferences.
  • Whisper-quiet, natural motion with smooth resistance.
  • Power incline for added challenge.
  • Adjustable foot pedals for personalized fit.
  • Integrated tablet holder and audio.
  • High gear ratio for smooth feel.


  • No

Elliptical Machine Buying Guide

Elliptical machines have become a popular choice for many fitness enthusiasts and individuals seeking an effective and low-impact cardiovascular workout. These machines mimic the natural motion of walking or running while minimizing stress on the joints. When shopping for the best elliptical machine, there are several factors to consider to ensure you make an informed decision that aligns with your fitness goals, budget, and personal preferences.

Stride Length

h3 The stride length is a crucial factor to consider when selecting an elliptical machine. It refers to the distance between the footpads and directly impacts the natural movement of your legs during the workout. An appropriate stride length can help prevent discomfort and ensure a smooth, comfortable stride. Generally, a stride length between 18 and 22 inches is recommended for most individuals, but taller users may prefer a longer stride length for a more natural motion.

Resistance Levels and Incline

Resistance levels and incline options are essential features to consider when purchasing an elliptical machine. Resistance levels determine the intensity of your workout, allowing you to adjust the difficulty level as needed. A machine with a wide range of resistance levels can accommodate users of different fitness levels and provide a challenging workout as your fitness improves. Additionally, some elliptical machines offer incline options, which can further increase the intensity of your workout and target different muscle groups.

Smooth and Quiet Operation

A smooth and quiet operation is crucial for an enjoyable and comfortable workout experience. Look for elliptical machines with high-quality construction and advanced drive systems that ensure a smooth and natural stride motion. Quiet operation is also important, especially if you plan to use the machine in a shared living space or while watching television or listening to music.

Adjustable Stride and Resistance

Adjustable stride and resistance features are beneficial for accommodating users of different heights and fitness levels. An adjustable stride length allows you to customize the motion to your specific body proportions, reducing the risk of discomfort or injury. Adjustable resistance levels enable you to increase or decrease the intensity of your workout as desired, providing a personalized challenge and allowing for progression over time.

LCD Display and Program Variety

A clear and informative LCD display is essential for monitoring your workout progress and tracking important metrics such as time, distance, resistance level, and calorie burn. Additionally, look for elliptical machines that offer a variety of pre-programmed workouts or the ability to create custom workouts. This feature can add diversity to your exercise routine and help you achieve specific fitness goals, such as weight loss, endurance training, or interval training.

Ergonomic Design and Comfort Features

Comfort is paramount during an extended workout session. Look for elliptical machines with ergonomic design features such as padded footpads, adjustable foot pedals, and upright or recumbent configurations to accommodate different user preferences and reduce strain on the joints. Additionally, consider machines with built-in fans, water bottle holders, and other amenities that can enhance your overall workout experience.


Choosing the best elliptical machine involves considering various factors to ensure a comfortable, effective, and enjoyable workout experience. By evaluating features such as stride length, resistance levels, incline options, smooth and quiet operation, adjustability, LCD displays, program variety, and ergonomic design, you can make an informed decision that aligns with your fitness goals and preferences. Remember, investing in a high-quality elliptical machine can be a valuable addition to your home gym or fitness routine, providing a low-impact cardio workout that supports your overall health and wellness.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the benefits of using an elliptical machine?

Elliptical machines provide a low-impact cardiovascular workout that can help improve cardiovascular health, strengthen various muscle groups, including the legs, glutes, and arms, aid in weight loss, and increase overall endurance and stamina.

How do I choose the right elliptical machine for me?

Consider factors such as your budget, available space, intended usage frequency, and features that are important to you (such as resistance levels, preset workouts, stride length, and console features). It’s also a good idea to try out different models in-store if possible to see which feels most comfortable for your body and movement.

What maintenance is required for an elliptical machine?

Regular maintenance can prolong the lifespan of your elliptical machine. This includes wiping down the machine after each use to remove sweat and dust, checking and tightening bolts and screws periodically, lubricating moving parts as recommended by the manufacturer, and ensuring that the machine is placed on a level surface to prevent wear and tear.

Can elliptical machines help with weight loss?

Elliptical machines can be an effective tool for weight loss when combined with a balanced diet and a consistent exercise routine. By engaging multiple muscle groups and providing a cardiovascular workout, elliptical training can help burn calories and contribute to a calorie deficit, which is essential for weight loss.

Are elliptical machines suitable for people with joint pain or injuries?

Elliptical machines are often recommended for individuals with joint pain or injuries because they offer a low-impact workout that puts minimal stress on the joints. However, it’s important to use proper form and not push through pain. Consulting with a healthcare professional before starting any new exercise regimen is advisable, especially for those with existing health concerns.